If you like my art, then you'll fell head over hills for my food. For all the latest recipes and best eateries, check out: FOOD BY RICH


Hello World! I know you are exact thoughts are great... ANOTHER DAMN BLOG. Okay yes, Im guilty but come on guys let's be real, blogging is a demanding job on its own that can become rather tedious.

So by now, you are wondering what makes this blog different from any other blog in the universe. Well for one its about food of course, and who does not like to indulge in a nice hearty meal from time to time. So after tons of Instagram and Twitter requests for recipes, I decided to disclose some of my favorite dishes to whip up. From easy quick recipes to some of my best kept restaurants hidden around New York City, I want to share my undying love of food with you all. No I did not graduate from Cordon Blu, but I am confident I can teach you a thing or too!